Mori Lundi
by Niall Shanahan

The Communications Unit published a full set of divisional bulletins on Friday (24th March). You can access them here: 

Also in the Irish Times today, retired consultant Chris Fitzpatrick writes that consultants need to lead the way by embracing Sláintecare, and that health reform plans depend on this happening.


Elsewhere, it looks as though the hospitality industry is counting on the robots to take over, plans are afoot. I saw one clearing the dishes from the café to the kitchen in Prague's Municipal Hall last week. All bustle and no charm.


In global news, there's large scale industrial action taking place in Germany and Israel today, the latter in protest at Netenyahu's attempted judicial overhaul.




My weekend was filled with two new and (for me) hotly anticipated album releases. Dublin band Lankum released False Lankum on Friday, while Basildon electropop-goth veterans Depeche Mode released their poignant Memento Mori. As the youngfellas older brother in Sing Street opined, you can't beat an album of 'happy-sad' music. Enjoy the melancholia.


Have a spectacular week.



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