Hospital Pharmacy Agreement

Dear Members


I am writing to you today to confirm that the Department of Health has published Circular 016 2024 which finalises further key elements of the long fought for Hospital Pharmacy Agreement. 

This will:

  • Create Deputy Pharmacist Executive Manager posts in several hospitals and Advanced Specialist Pharmacist (ASP) posts within the career structure for Hospital Pharmacists
  • Establish an immediate validation exercise for current staff who wish to apply for ASP roles. 

Procedural documents outlining process flows, application forms, and FAQs for the validation process of Advanced Specialist Pharmacists have also been agreed. Over the next 3 months, information sessions will be organised to support members eligible to apply for the validation process. We will also re-engage with the HSE on the role of Pharmacy Managers and on progressing discussions on a Pharmacy Regional Lead within the Health Region Structure. 


I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you all who have fought so hard for this win. It is your commitment and dedication that has made this happen. By working together on this issue, staying focused and resolute you have brought a conclusion to the process which began in 2011 with the Review of Hospital Pharmacy (McLoughlin report) and improved the career structure for Hospital Pharmacists. 

The first online information sessions for members will take place next week. The details and links to attend are below:

Thursday 11th July 1pm to 2pm - Join the meeting now
Friday 12th July 1pm to 2pm - Join the meeting now  

Linda Kelly 

National Secretary for Health and Social Care Professionals, Pharmacy and Statutory Regulation

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