Public Sector Pay Agreement: FAQ now available
by Kevin Callinan


Dear members,


This morning the Fórsa National Executive Committee (NEC) met and unanimously recommended acceptance of the new Public Service Pay Agreement, reached on Friday 26th January.


This agreement was reached after a particularly challenging set of negotiations.


We achieved:

  • Pay increases, valued at 10.25% over 2.5 years
  • A local bargaining clause
  • Commitment to reform of laws that had been distorting the normal practice of industrial relations
  • Lower paid workers will benefit the most

Thanks to the local bargaining clause Fórsa members will be able to organise on issues of direct relevance to their workplaces and negotiate up to a maximum of 3% for particular grades, groups or categories of employee.


This agreement was as far as we could go in negotiations. Now, it’s up to members to come together and consider whether they accept or reject the agreement.


An FAQ is now available, you can read it here and you can download it here. Please note this is a live document which will be regularly updated. Information meetings will take place online, and in workplaces, from Tuesday 6th February for two weeks.


The Fórsa ballot will commence on Monday 19th of February and conclude on Friday 15th of March at 12 noon.


The Public Services Committee (PSC) of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) will meet on 25th March to aggregate the results of the ballot of each affiliate union.


We are now 85,000 members strong. When I was negotiating for you, I knew our union was the strongest it’s ever been and it’s growing every day. The more members we have, the stronger we are.


Whether this deal is accepted or not is your choice. If you have questions or concerns, please attend your local meetings, and encourage your colleagues who aren’t in the union to join so they can vote too.


Thank you for everything that you do,


Kevin Callinan

Fórsa General Secretary
PSC Chair


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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