Good morning colleagues
by Martina O'Leary

Today's pic is some of the Fórsa staff with President Michael D Higgins at conference last Wednesday. (Yes I will send you a copy of the pic if you are in it).


Ryanair shares surge after it reports that profits grew 10% to €1.45bn.


Dungannon poultry giant Moy Park has agreed a four per cent pay deal with trade unions


"Abolishing pay inequality sounds like a noble call – but it could hit you in the pocket" writes Michael Brennan in the Business Post (Subscription required), on the pay system in the public service.


Much of the debate on the smear test controversy has focussed on the ‘cover-up’ and bad communication, but money lies at the heart of the issue, writes Marie O’Connor in the Irish Examiner.


French public service workers are on strike today over planned reforms, this will lead to flight disruptions as the air traffic controllers are included in the protest.


A major international project to tackle bullying is being established at Dublin City University.


Today's zen is from the Irish Examiner on five of the most awkward work situations and how to handle them. Plus an extra zen as Debbie Harry looks back on a defining era - The age of punk (Guardian).


Have a good day.

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