ICTU conference
by Martina O'Leary

The first day of the Irish Congress of Trade Union's conference saw ICTU general secretary Patricia King calling on a "renewed effort to secure the right to collective bargaining for all workers", see the Examiner's coverage here  and Irish times here. While  ICTU president Sheila Nunan highlighted that the cost of housing is eroding any pay increases, see report from Indo.


Our SIPTU colleague Paddy Cole's video roundup of the first day of #BDC19 business can be viewed here and below.


 "Ludicrous" and "unfair" are how Labour spokesperson Ged Nash describes plans to raise the pension age in Ireland to 68, at ICTU's Dublin based conference.


While Fórsa's General Secretary Designate and ICTU Vice President Kevin Callinan told ICTU delegates yesterday that the Brexit backstop must be protected from "reckless and frivolous" no-deal politicians. While Fórsa Lead Orgaiser Grace Williams told delegates the Government's decision to block legislation that obliges restaurants to pass on tips to its staff as "shameful".


Elsewhere Fórsa welcomes Dublin City Council motion on waste collection services. Exchequer figures for the first half of 2019 show the Irish economy is growing strongly. Some Housing charities have called for Government restrictions on rent increases in high-inflation areas to be extended nationwide.


 The Government is expected to announce a new review of pay for up to 2,500 members of the Defence Forces with specialist or technical skills.


The HSE has no contingency funding for strikes, patient surges or the impact of weather events, the new director general Paul Reid has been told, writes Cormac McQuinn, in the Irish Times. 


Today's zen is the only bit of Glastonbury I watched last weekend which was David Attenborough, well worth a look (click on the image above to view). The Guardian covers it as well.


Have a good day.


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