Ballot: We need your help!

Dear member,


Your colleagues are voting in their thousands on the Public Sector Pay Agreement, but we need the strongest vote possible. You should NOT assume that this ballot will pass or be rejected.


The choice is the proposed pay increases - or a return to the drawing board and potentially lengthy industrial action. Either way, this will have very real impacts on your workplace and your wages.


We also know how busy you all are, so we’ve come up with a quick way to support the ballot.


Forward this email to just 1 of your colleagues and ask them to read the info below. You could also copy and paste it into a WhatsApp message. Or even just ask them in-person: Have you voted yet?


What is the ballot about? 

  • Pay increases, valued at 9.25% over 2.5 years.
  • Higher increases for lower paid workers - deal combines percentage increases and flat rate payments. This means workers will get whatever is worth more to them. 
  • A game changing local bargaining clause - Fórsa members will be able to organise on issues of direct concern and negotiate outcomes involving an additional 3% of payroll costs. 
  • Commitment to reform of laws that had been distorting the normal practice of industrial relations (FEMPI). 


To vote, check your emails. If you have any questions or if you haven’t gotten an email yet, check out our website resource hub for everything you need.


Thank you for getting the word out about the vote. Your union, your voice!


Mise le meas,

Seán McElhinney

Director of Membership


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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