Level 3
by Róisín McKane

The Indo reports that plans to roll out a mandatory risk assessment for the flu vaccine for health workers have been stalled for two weeks. The HSE has told unions it will pause its plan to assess staff to decide whether they should be required to get the vaccine.


Elsewhere, Fórsa has said that additional resources for health professionals, social care services and supports to frontline staff will be needed to make a success of the HSE’s new winter plan, which was launched earlier this month.


Plans for an 'all-in' utility depot in Ballymun have been agreed by Dublin City councillors despite an almost 50% increase in construction costs. The depot will consolidate 18 existing depots involved in council services including waste, housing and road maintenance. 


Unions have sought clarity on what additional protective measures can be put in place in schools should Covid-19 restrictions escalate to Level 4 or 5.


SIPTU members at Shannon Airport are to ballot for strike action in a dispute over pay cuts. 


Donald Trump is back in the White House following Covid treatment in hospital.


In environmental news, at least 14m tonnes of plastic pieces are likely sitting at the bottom of the ocean, according to an estimate based on new research, and much of the Amazon could be on the verge of switching from a closed canopy rainforest to an open savannah with far fewer trees as a result of the climate crisis.


And finally, The Times has this useful explainer on what to expect in Budget 2021.


Now for some zen. Led Zeppelin have won a long-running court case over claims it stole the opening guitar riff from its signature 1971 song Stairway to Heaven. Here it is in all it's glory. 


Have a good day folks. 








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