Les Rouges
by Bernard Harbor

Those of you who tuned in to yesterday's Employment Bar Association webinar will have heard Leo Varadkar say essential workers should get a living wage. The event was also picked up by the Times, which leads on an Tánasite's warning of possible price inflation and interest rate rises.


As the AstraZenica vaccine edges towards the expected thumbs-up, it's reported that virtually all schools are complying with pandemic regulations. Here are the highlights from yesterday's NEPHT briefing


Elsewhere, Tusla's hiring social workers, Nicola Sturgeons's troubles continue, and Unite's drive to trash the Road Safety Authority continued in the Oireachtas transport committee yesterday to wide (though not very prominent) coverage. 


Finally, if you're still feeling the warm glow of International Women's Day, don't read this.


Yesterday was the 150th anniversary of the start of the Paris Commune, the radical socialist revolutionary government that ruled Paris between 18th March and 28th May 1871. Some Communards Zen, then? This one because it features the magnificent Sarah-Jane Morris.


Barricade yourself in this weekend.



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