Members back pay deal


Dear members,


The votes have been counted and the results are in. You voted to back the Public Sector Pay Agreement 2024-2026. 
In a ballot which saw 52,729 members voting on the new pay terms, 94% of voted in favour. The turnout was 67.3%.

You might be wondering what happens next. The Public Services Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is to meet on Monday, 25th March, to aggregate the ballots of the 19 affiliated unions. Then we will know if the deal has been accepted or rejected. 
Fórsa’s National Executive Committee (NEC), issued the ballot in February with a recommendation to vote in favour of the deal, following a lengthy negotiations process that concluded in January. The online ballot that followed ran for 4 weeks and represented a unique opportunity for members to have their say. 
Thank you to all those of you who voted, who attended information meetings, and who mobilised your colleagues.


Democracy is a core pillar of our union and by taking part in this ballot, you have upheld our proud tradition of placing members’ voices to the fore of our work. 


Thank you for everything you do.


Kevin Callinan
General Secretary

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