Good morning

The continued unequal treatment of non-teaching school staff like secretaries, special needs assistants (SNAs) and caretakers is effectively teaching children that it’s “okay to disrespect and discriminate,” according to Education Division Cathaoirleach Gina O'Brien, who was addressing the Education Conference yesterday evening. The Irish Examiner has coverage of both her and Head of the Education Division Andy Pike's speech, which called for an end to 'inequality and exclusion' in the education sector.


The Examiner also features coverage of Fórsa's plans to seek the professionalisation of the SNA role. Head of the Education Division Andy Pike also said that the “front-loading” of SNA posts on a two to three year cycle provided the possibility for the first time of permanent SNA posts.


The Irish Times reports that public service unions have had discussions with the Department of Public Expenditure on a review of the pay terms set out in the agreement for State employees. It says Minister of Education Joe McHugh said on Tuesday, that he was aware that the parties to the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA) were engaged in exploratory discussions on a potential review of pay rates generally in the public service.


The Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI) are considering legal action against the Government as they were treated differently to nurses when engaged in industrial action. ASTI General Secretary Kieran Christie said the union had identified a number of potential grounds for legal action.


The Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) is prepared to take industrial action if changes to the Leaving Cert curriculum are 'railroaded through' without consultation, with a motion at the TUI Conference in Killarney calling for consultation on any changes being overwhelmingly backed.


Finally, today's zen comes from Hank Azaria (on his birthday) breaking down his most iconic voices, including as many Simpsons characters as Moe, Apu and Chief Wiggum.


Have a good day folks.


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