Wolf moon
by Róisín McKane

Fórsa, ASTI, INTO and TUI are encouraging schools to observe a minute’s silence at 11am today in memory of Ashling Murphy.


Yesterday, Fórsa wrote to all school principals and boards of management, urging them to take immediate steps to ensure adequate ventilation and air quality in classrooms and to provide special needs assistants with FFP2-grade face masks. Read more on that here.


The Times reports that more than 11,700 children and teenagers accessed child and adolescent mental health services last year by the end of November, 20 per cent above the demand the HSE was expecting for the year.


The reduction of livestock-produced methane will be a problem for the first five-year cycle of Ireland's Climate Action Plan, an Oireachtas committee will hear today.


Meanwhile, scientists have said that chemical pollution has passed the safe limit for humanity.


A new report suggests the number of Travellers experiencing homelessness is hugely underestimated.


And finally, it is expected that NPHET will make a wide range of recommendations on the easing of restrictions when it meets on Thursday.




Our zen today comes in the form of a TV recommendation. Welcome to Earth follows Will Smith as he makes a journey around the globe. While he's no Attenbrough the show is both educational and visually stunning and you can't help but be drawn in by his excitement and wonder. 


Have a good day folks.  





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