Hair today
by Bernard Harbor

Last week's Supreme Court judgement in the Zalewski case heralds some substantial changes in how WRC business will be conducted in future. The IRN has this, which is behind a pay wall. RTÉ has this, which isn't.


Elsewhere, Martin Wall has his hands on draft health management flexibility proposals linked to Building Momentum, and justice minister Helen McEntee is promising tougher sentences for hate crimes


It's also reported that a significant number of public health consultant posts will be created to resolve the IMO's claim, while the Small Firms Association is giving off about the living wage.


As 30,000 69-year-olds registered for Covid vaccines yesterday, almost 90% of over-55's said ageism is at play in the jobs market. 


And the Government's decision to exempt vaccinated travellers from mandatory hotel quarantine comes as the chair of the Oireachtas Transport Committee backed the industry-dominated National Civil Aviation Development Forum's view that the aviation sector can be safely reopened in the summer. 


In other news, Bank of Ireland launched a new remote working model yesterday, Germany's highest court has ruled Berlin's rent cap illegal, and the BBC takes a close look at the runners and riders in Unite's general secretary race, which opens to the union's 1.2 million members next month.


This morning's Zen hails from a time before we were troubled by social distancing. Ravel's Bolero was never my favourite piece, even before Torville and Dean ruined it for everyone. But it sounds good here, in the hands of four members of the Vienna Philharmonic and one trusty cello.


Enjoy the weekend.



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