Update for schools' members on Government plans to reopen SEN school services

The Education Division Executive Committee (EDEC) met this evening to consider the Government proposals to reopen special schools, special classes and mainstream special education needs (SEN) provision.


The EDEC decided that the Union could not support the proposed reopening. It is clear that members have no confidence in the ability of schools to provide a safe working environment at the height of the Covid – 19 pandemic. Whilst some progress has been made on securing exclusions for some groups, not enough progress has been made in improving health and safety provisions to overcome the overwhelming view expressed by members that it is not safe for them to return to schools until the Covid case index returns to a lower level.


Discussions today secured an exemption for staff with underlying health conditions which put them at high risk should they contract Covid-19, an exemption for SNAs over the age of 60 and an exemption from attendance for SNAs who are pregnant. The Department of Education and Skills (DES) suggested that SNAs with difficulties arranging childcare would be able to avail of parental leave or unpaid leave for the limited period prior to the reopening of all schools. However no progress was made on other issues such as improvement to safety on bus transport or the provision of testing prior to return and we have no information on any changes to the vaccination schedule.


SNAs have listened to the public health advice from the Chief Medical Officer that they should limit their movements and also that it is not safe to open schools, members simply do not accept that under these circumstances it is safe to return to schools.


The Executive is tonight joining with the INTO in calling for Government to rethink their plan and to postpone reopening until it is safe to do so. There will be a further meeting of the Executive tomorrow to set out what steps must be taken to protect the health and safety of members.


A copy of the joint union press release can be viewed HERE.

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