A whiter shade of fail
by Bernard Harbor

All the Irish titles give prominence to the Ryanair dispute. Here's a taste from RTÉ, the Times and the Indo. The company's share price rose yesterday.


Over in Blighty, Orangeman cast a large shadow over the launch of the Government's Brexit white paper by dissing Teresa May's proposals and praising his would-be mini-me. Meanwhile in the TImes, Patrick Smyth reckons the Tory blueprint sidelines the Irish border issue.


Elsewhere, it didn't take long for the whiff of controversy to gather around the appointment of the new Sláintecare supremo, while the WRC has convened talks aimed at halting industrial action by Cork fire fighters.


Meanwhile, prices are rising as Irish economic growth outpaces others, and we can expect more water restrictions in Dublin.


Finally, what could be Zenier than a thousand downloadable Van Gogh paintings and drawings?


That's it.




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