Update to SNA Branch Members on NCSE Pilot
by Andy Pike, Head of Education Division

Further to the reports which issued from our Education conference over the past two days I can confirm the following as agreed with the SNA branches and as agreed by conference:

  • That full consultation on the development of the Schools Inclusion Model has now commenced with the DES
  • Therefore the non-cooperation instruction in respect of the Speech and Language pilot in HSE CHO Area 7 will be lifted to allow talks commence on the detail of the Schools Inclusion Model.
  • No changes to terms and conditions have been suggested or agreed, if the new model requires changes to working practices these will be negotiated and agreed with the union
  • Reports of changes to SNA conditions of service being agreed by the union are not accurate
  • I clearly stated at our conference that if a new role is proposed for SNAs it would require an uplift in pay and a new contract to deal with outstanding issues of concern, no new role or job can be introduced without agreeing changes to pay and contracts
  • If the DES develops proposals which are not acceptable to the Executive and to the SNA branches the non-cooperation instruction can be imposed again without delay.

Further updates will issue to members throughout what will be a lengthy consultation process. The union will continue to liaise with members in the pilot schools. Our branches will be asked to arrange regional meetings in the very near future.


Yours Sincerely,

Andy Pike

Head of Division (Education)

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