In this issue
Irish mums suffer huge pay penalty
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Union backs homelessness protest
Christina’s in the driving seat
Postnatal depression call
by Lughan Deane
Una Maguire.
Una Maguire.

IMPACT is to push for postnatal depression to be recognised as a pregnancy-related illness in public service sick leave regulations, after delegates at the union’s conference overwhelmingly backed a motion calling for the condition to be treated the same way as other pregnancy-related conditions.

Delegates at the conference heard that postnatal depression is not currently recognised as a pregnancy related illness, which means far less paid leave is available to women who suffer from the condition.

A motion from the union’s South Dublin branch called this “unjust, unfair and entirely unacceptable,” and the union was mandated to take steps to win parity of treatment for those who suffer post-natal depression.

Una Maguire of the South Dublin said she knew “a lot of people in her workplace affected by postnatal depression who are not covered under the current sick leave scheme."

IMPACT is currently engaged with management in a Labour Court-proposed review of the operation of new sick leave measures, which were introduced in 2014.

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