In this issue
You're better off in IMPACT
IMPACT acts on public-private pay debate
Union urges pay recovery as earnings fall
Whistleblowing guidelines published
Low pay law promised
Limerick honours International Brigade locals
Limerick honours International Brigade locals
by Niall Shanahan
The Limerick International Brigades Memorial Trust is to host a cultural festival, called Even the Olives Were Bleeding, from Friday 12th September. It will commemorate the six Limerick men who fought with the XV International Brigades during the 1936-1939 Spanish civil war.


The Trust was set up by the Limerick Council of Trade Unions with the aim of erecting a memorial to the six men.


The weekend starts with the launch of a book, From the Shannon to the Ebro, which takes place at the Mechanics Institute, Hartstonge Street, at 7pm on Friday 12th. There will be events at various Limerick locations over the weekend, which will include music, poetry, debate, and a public viewing of the film Goodbye Barcelona.


A parade will take place on Sunday 14th September. It will assemble at the Mechanics’ Institute at 11.30am and proceed to the gardens of City Hall for the unveiling of the memorial. The parade will be led by trade union representatives from Ireland and the UK.


All unions affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions are invited to attend and are encouraged to bring union flags and banners to the parade.


A full programme is available HERE.

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