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IMPACT donation to fight Ebola
IMPACT donation to fight Ebola
The union has donated €10,000 to PSI's Ebola Aid Fund
by Niall Shanahan

IMPACT’s Developing World Fund has responded to an urgent request from Public Services International (PSI) to support PSI’s aid fund in the fight against the Ebola virus.

PSI provides immediate relief and assistance of PSI members and their families, especially in cases where health workers have died and their families have no access to social protection. Deaths to health workers account for one in every ten who have died. Many PSI members have been killed in the line of duty.

IMPACT, which is affiliated to PSI, has made a donation of €10,000 to the Ebola aid fund. The money comes from the union’s developing world fund, made up of 3% of each member’s union subscription, which helps trade union solidarity and development projects around the world.

The outbreak of Ebola fever has already caused the death of 4877 people and 9936 may be infected according to the most recent World Health Organisation report in October.

PSI has been monitoring the situation since April, when the affiliates in the West African Health Sector Unions’ Network (WAHSUN) tried to raise the alarm. PSI is working with the ILO and WHO for urgent interventions to address the situation of health care workers.

“Health workers must have the tools to do their jobs. Our members are dying because of unsafe working conditions, this is criminal neglect,” warns PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli.

PSI affiliates throughout Africa, including in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, are mobilising their members against the spread of the disease, but PSI say they need the help of the PSI community.

PSI is also looking into medium and long-term projects to help affiliates ensure that all workers coming in contact with Ebola be appropriately trained and protected, with access to necessary tools and personal protective equipment.


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