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Domestic workers' convention ratified
by Niall Shanahan
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has warmly welcomed the Irish Government’s ratification of an International Labour Organisation (ILO) convention on domestic workers’ rights. The move gives new protections to thousands of childminders, cleaners, au pairs, carers and other workers in private homes.


ICTU legal affairs officer Esther Lynch said the ratification was a major step forward for domestic workers, and the unions and campaign groups that supported them. “Our coordinated campaign has moved the Government to back this important convention, which gives domestic workers a right to decent work. The Government can now be held accountable for upholding that right at the ILO,” she said.


The Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) described the ratification as a "landmark day for workers" and said it would give increased protection for thousands of vulnerable domestic workers in Ireland. Aoife Smith of MRCI said: “In this hidden sector, working conditions are generally poor and exploitation is rampant. By ratifying this convention, Ireland is recognising the value of this work and promoting the rights of workers in private homes.”


Smith said the MRCI had seen cases of extreme exploitation, trafficking and abuse of domestic staff, as well as underpayment and widespread disregard for basic employment rights. “Domestic workers provide essential support and care to households and families all over Ireland. We believe this ratification gives us the opportunity to create a care sector that provides quality jobs and quality care,” she said.


The ILO is a United Nations body made up of representatives of unions, employers and governments.

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