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Deal on civil service specialist posts
Deal on civil service specialist posts
by Niall Shanahan

IMPACT has secured an agreement on how technical and specialist posts, equivalent to principal officer (PO) and assistant principal officer (APO) will be filled in future. The union had sought an agreed sequence of confined and open competitions to mirror existing arrangements for general service grades.

The agreement sets out the following provisions, which will apply to grades common to more than one department:

  • Posts equivalent to principal officer will be filled using a ratio of two-thirds open competition and one-third confined competition
  • Posts equivalent to assistant principal officer will be filled using a ratio of one-third open to the department, one-third interdepartmental competition, and one-third confined competition
  • A list of grades common to more than one department is attached as an annex to the agreed report
  • Departmental grades will continue to be filled according to local agreement. This means that where confined competitions have traditionally been used to fill promotional outlets this practice will continue
  • Where no agreement exists, consultation will take place to determine what type of competition will be used.

More details are available on the IMPACT website, and General Council Agreed Report No 1539 (click to download) is effective from 29th June 2017.


Frequently asked questions

Does this agreement prevent employers from using open competitions?

No. The agreement will require employers to fill one-in-three posts at PO equivalent level through confined competition and two in three at AP equivalent level. The agreement sets parameters for the use of public competitions and confined competitions.


How do I find out if my grade is a departmental grade?

The common interdepartmental grades are listed in the annex to the agreed report. Branches are asked to note that many other grades are based on the engineering pay scales. If there is any doubt about the status of a grade local discussion should take place. Where established local arrangements for the filling of departmental posts exist they will continue unless there is agreement on changing arrangements.


How do we agree which posts are filled through open and confined competition?

Our preference is to commence the new sequencing with a confined competition (at AP equivalent level this should be a departmental competition). Branches should keep a record of posts filled through confined and open competition and commence discussion with local personnel as soon as possible.


What happens if a branch cannot agree if a grade is a departmental grade or an interdepartmental grade?

Advice should be sought from your IMPACT official. If no agreement can be reached a dispute on the interpretation of the report may have to be referred to General Council or the C&A scheme


What are the arrangements for the filling of general service grades below AP level?

At HEO level, one in six posts are filled through open competition and five in six are filled through confined competition. At EO level a 50-50 arrangement is in place this is to be reviewed later in 2017.

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