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Readers’ poll – Marriage equality
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Fire fighters rally to oppose reductions in crewing levels
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Fire fighters rally to oppose reductions in crewing levels
Reductions ‘will create unnecessary risks to safety’
by Helena Clarke
Fire fighter members of IMPACT and SIPTU trade unions marched this week from Parnell Square to the Dáil to highlight their opposition to plans to implement reductions in crewing levels.


In a joint letter to the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, Alan Kelly TD, Phil McFadden of IMPACT and Gene Mealy of SIPTU highlight a number of concerns about proposed reductions to fire service crewing levels. Both unions say the reduction in firefighting crews will create unnecessary risks to their safety.


They said “We have sought to be provided with the relevant risk assessments and support documentation associated with the proposed reductions, however, these have not been forthcoming to date.


The letter states “Our members in both the retained and full-time fire services have also been actively engaged in an ongoing campaign in relation to the section 26 plans, where we have outlined our concerns regarding the dangerous elements contained within the ‘Keeping Communities Safe’ proposals.


“The current situation whereby the department is now seeking to implement the reductions in crewing levels and pre-determined attendances without providing the relevant risk assessments and support documentation leaves us with no choice but to take our concerns to the streets.”


Phil added “Fire fighters already carry out a dangerous and demanding job. It should be the task of the government to do everything in its power to keep fire fighters as safe as possible. Reducing crewing levels would create additional and unnecessary risks to their safety.”


Fire fighters rally to oppose reductions in crewing levels - Tuesday 24th February 2015

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