In this issue
Love & Pride – trade union campaign for marriage equality launches tonight
Extension of retirement grace period welcomed
Social workers under increasing pressure as job vacancies remain unfilled – IMPACT
Daily Mail apologises to IMPACT over pension story
IMPACT urges support for rally opposing fire crew reductions
New South Tipp health branch holds first AGM
by Niall Shanahan

IMPACT trade union formed a new South Tipperary Health branch in January at an AGM in Clonmel.

The amalgamation of South Tipperary County Council and North Tipperary County Council under one employer made it necessary to dissolve the existing branches in South Tipperary and North Tipperary. 

In order for IMPACT to best represent all our members it was necessary to constitute two new branches. One dedicated to local government members and one dedicated to health sector members.

Chairperson of the South Tipperary Health branch, Deirdre Whelan said “The branch committee views this as an opportunity to grow and strengthen our branch, uniting under the umbrella of health sector employments.”

IMPACT president Jerry King attended the AGM. “It’s a privilege to work in public services and to be helping people and that’s what we do every day” he said. Jerry noted that Local Government and Health was a branch that had a long history in South Tipperary and wished both new branches well for the future.

Deirdre described the AGM atmosphere as “buzzing”, combining a social event with the business of the AGM and Jacqui Burton, who works in South Tipperary General Hospital was the lucky winner of a raffle to win an iPad. Several motions were debated for Divisional Conference followed by a lively question and answer session.

There was a large turnout for the AGM, which was also attended by Hilary Kelleher, IMPACT assistant general secretary.

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