In this issue
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Final chance to take part in President Higgins’ Ethics Initiative
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Final chance to take part in President Higgins’ Ethics Initiative
by Helena Clarke
We are in the final days of the Ethics Initiative, which will come to an end on Tuesday 31st March.

There are a number of ways you can still take part, all of which involve answering the question ‘What does an ethical workplace mean to you?’

  • The first and perhaps easiest is to log onto this website and leave a comment.
  • The second is to use Twitter to answer the question using the hashtag #ethicswork.
  • Finally you can also post pictures, videos, poems, or whatever creative method you think works, to lend your voice to the campaign using the website or Twitter.  

If you would like a little inspiration you can view some of the comments others have left here.

Shay Cody, general secretary with IMPACT, wants members to use this final opportunity to have their voice heard. He said “It’s not every day that the President of Ireland asks you to take part in a debate; and it’s almost as rare that we really investigate how the workplace can be made a more ethical place.

“This project is about imagining a better world, and handing over working scenarios to future generations that we can all be proud of. Thanks to modern technology it is easier than ever to take part in campaigns. I ask members to take a moment today to think about what an ethical workplace means to them and add their voice to the campaign. Each voice matters and this is a vital discussion.”  

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