In this issue
IMPACT membership benefits
New guide to health job evaluation scheme
Civil service bereavement leave increased
Gender pay gap disclosure sought
Health professionals make their points
New union would strengthen workers’ hand
New union would strengthen workers’ hand
by Bernard Harbor

Union leaders believe the creation of a new 80,000-strong organisation – involving IMPACT, the CPSU and the PSEU – could significantly enhance workers’ strength in negotiations, while improving services available to union members.

The proposed merger is to be put to members of each of the three unions in separate ballots later this year.

Senior representatives of the three organisations are currently finalising the text of a rule book and associated documentation, which will set out the objectives, structure and procedures of a new union. The proposed structure would ensure that a new union would be democratically accountable and better able to defend and advance members’ interests.

In a document drawn up to outline the benefits of a new and stronger organisation – along with its proposed structure and rules – union leaders say it would deliver:

  • The creation of a single, strong negotiating force representing more than 80,000 members
  • A single articulate voice speaking, in the media and elsewhere, on behalf of public services and the people that provide them
  • Substantially enhanced services to members and future members and activists – delivered by economies of scale and enhanced bargaining power
  • A foundation for enhancing trade union membership and organisation in the public service and beyond
  • Strong safeguards to ensure an effective voice for every grade, and preserve the best traditions of each constituent union.

Delegates at last year’s IMPACT biennial conference voted overwhelmingly to continue talks on a possible merger with the Civil, Public and Services Union (CPSU) and Public Service Executive Union (PSEU). Identical conference motions were passed by large majorities at the conferences of the PSEU and CPSU.

A document called New Union Project which sets out the broad structure of a new union, was circulated at each of the conferences, which authorised the executives of the three unions to continue and conclude negotiations on the shape of a new union before putting final proposals to separate ballots of members of the three unions in 2017.

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