In this issue
A roof is a right
Growth requires wage recovery
Union guide explains new whistleblowing law
Court to recommend on ‘sleepovers’
LRC establishes working group on agriculture
Alzheimer Society snubs court rec
Simon Community wants delivery
by Niall Shanahan
The Simon Community wants IMPACT members to support its stand & deliver petition campaign, which calls on the Government to keep its promise to deliver enough housing to reverse the growing homelessness crisis. The homelessness charity is promoting its “common sense solutions” to homelessness which are to:
  1. Increase housing and the right kinds of housing.
  2. Provide adequate support services
  3. Prevent homelessness before it happens.

Spokesperson Niamh Randall said increased housing was needed for the Government to fulfill its commitment to end long-term homelessness by 2016. She also said a proportion of social housing allocations must be ring-fenced for people moving out of homelessness and called for an increase in rent supplement levels to bring them in line with real market rents.


“People who are homeless have the most acute form of social housing need and must be prioritised. The Simon Community’s most recent annual report highlighted a 24% increase in demand for our services. The Department of Environment’s budget must be increased to cope. The departments of health and social protection must, at the very least, have their budgets restored to 2013 levels so people can get the supports they urgently need,” she said.


IMPACT’s public meeting on practical actions to tackle Dublin’s homelessness crisis, a roof is a right takes place at the Gresham Hotel on Saturday 20th September. Follow on Twitter at #RoofisaRight

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