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EU and US trade talks: ‘A threat to democracy’ - ICTU
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EU and US trade talks: ‘A threat to democracy’ - ICTU
by Niall Shanahan
Esther Lynch, ICTU: “You can’t underestimate the threat to democracy within TTIP”
Esther Lynch, ICTU: “You can’t underestimate the threat to democracy within TTIP”

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has said that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) poses a threat to democracy which cannot be overstated. TTIP is a proposed free trade agreement between the EU and US.


Congress General Secretary David Begg has described the proposed trade agreement as “profoundly anti-democratic” and warned it would make it almost impossible for Governments to introduce any progressive legislation in the future.


Mr Begg said the proposed deal would effectively complete the ‘subjugation of society’ to corporate needs.


ICTU hosted a special seminar on TTIP last week. Speaking at the seminar, ICTU’s Legal & Social Affairs Officer Esther Lynch said TTIP creates a right for companies to launch a suit for financial compensation if a Government introduces any rule that has a negative impact on expected profit.


“The result is that elected governments will be unable to afford to regulate. There is also widespread concern that companies will be enabled to make their claim against the state in private arbitration. The idea of secret private courts is unacceptable and in all likelihood unconstitutional.”


Ms Lynch added “There is no justification for providing companies with such excessive enhanced protection. Citizens and workers do not have the benefit of similar protections.”


Comment on discussion from the seminar can be viewed on Twitter at #ttipuniondebate.

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