In this issue
Pension levy “a sensible place to start” on pay recovery
IMPACT addresses emergency homelessness forum
Irish Times criticism challenged by IMPACT
Support urged for IMPACT member’s medical treatment
Average annual earnings down €700 - CSO
by Niall Shanahan

The latest CSO figures on pay, published last week, reveal that average annual earnings have fallen by almost €700 in the last three months, despite longer working hours.

The fall in weekly wages were more pronounced in the public sector, and upward pay movement is highest in the construction sector.

Average hourly earnings were €21.07 in the third quarter of 2014 compared with €21.36 in the same period last year, representing a decrease of 1.4% over the year.

Pay demand

The general secretary of ICTU, David Begg, has said he expects "pent-up" demand among workers to escalate into claims for pay increases of over 3per cent next year.

The Irish Times reported last week that pension levy cuts are likely to be the priority in future public service pay talks.


Blog: There’s a good reason for the private-public sector pay gap (September 2014)

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