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Jobbridge: School job titles clarified
by Bernard Harbor
IMPACT has received official confirmation of primary and secondary school job titles after the union complained that advertisements for ‘classroom assistants’ breached the jobbridge work experience scheme rules. The union contacted the Department of Social Protection after a number of members claimed the posts were being used to replace special needs assistants.


The Department of Social Welfare, which runs jobbridge, has also confirmed that the scheme can’t be used to displace existing staff or to fill vacancies. The department told IMPACT that it has told the education department to comply and circulate the list of posts to all school management boards.


Social welfare says that, in rare cases where other job descriptions genuinely exist in schools, management will have to prove they are genuine before offering jobbridge work experience in the area.


The confirmed posts are:


Primary Schools: Teacher, SNA, secretary, caretaker, principal, librarian and cleaner.


Secondary schools: Teacher, SNA, secretary, caretaker, principal, librarian, cleaner, lab assistant and IT technician.

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