In this issue
The New Union Project
Increments restored in high profile voluntary agency
Extension of ‘grace period’
Questions for the parties as the #GE16 campaigns commence
IMPACT ballot at Irish Water - 95% back industrial action
A Christmas message from IMPACT
IMPACT members' draw - win a car
IMPACT ballot at Irish Water - 95% back industrial action
by Niall Shanahan

The Local Government & Local Services and Municipal Employees’ divisions of IMPACT have balloted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action at Irish Water, following the announcement by the water utility that it will shed 1,500 jobs as part of its business plan published last October.

The ballot result was overwhelmingly approved, with  95% in favour of industrial action. The ballot seeks to ensure compliance with the terms of the agreement on annual service plans and to ensure that vacant posts in the local authority water sector are filled as full-time permanent positions.

Only members involved in the direct provision of services to Irish Water, including those who work in non-domestic water billing and water metering, were balloted. IMPACT national secretary Peter Nolan has said that the union will extend the ballot to other workers in the local authority sector if it becomes necessary.

Peter said that Irish Water’s proposals constitute clear breaches of existing agreements negotiated by the union, and said the ICTU group of unions would not tolerate breaches of collective agreements as a result of the unilateral position of Irish Water. Each of the unions conducted their own separate ballot.

Peter added that the Irish Water consultative body will meet on 7th January. The group of unions are scheduled to meet with Irish Water management on 21st January.

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