In this issue
Are you a social care worker?
Talks set to get going
Workers demand pay restoration equity
More lip service on gender equality
Under-funded councils face complex world
Templemore: IMPACT backs civilian roles
Huge support for homeless at demo

A strong delegation from IMPACT turned out for the annual May Day march in Dublin, which highlighted the deepening housing and homelessness crisis. The annual celebration of trade union-won gains in workers’ rights was organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions, in partnership with the National Homeless and Housing Coalition.

IMPACT lead organiser Joe O’Connor said: “Our members working in local authorities and homeless services are trying to deliver housing solutions to people in extraordinarily difficult circumstances, and IMPACT appreciates the complexity of the issue.

“However, the continued escalation of the housing and homelessness crisis means that radical solutions need to be not only considered but implemented as a matter of urgency. This includes a cost rental public housing model as advocated by NESC and NERI, the immediate introduction of a robust and proportionate vacant land levy, and a permanent model of rent regulation tied to the consumer price index.

Continued reliance on a chaotic and turbulent private sector will continue to fall short in meeting the scale of the challenge we face.”

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