In this issue
IMPACT executive recommends pay restoration agreement
IMPACT objection to psychometric testing upheld
Decency for Dunnes workers
IMPACT launches inner city grants scheme for Dublin
CE supervisors plan campaign of non-cooperation
Conference news roundup – Local Government / Services & Enterprise divisions
by Helena Clarke
The union’s Local Government and Services & Enterprise divisions held their conferences at the Clayton Hotel, Galway earlier in May. Here’s a brief roundup of some of the news from conference.

The chair of IMPACT’s Local Government division, Shane Lambert, kicked off proceedings at conference telling delegates that the years of recession has encouraged workers to unite and support each other. Shane said “Attempts to pit private and public sector workers against each other have failed. Workers are coming together to support each other in times of difficulty. We need to value that solidarity and continue to support each other”.

IMPACT delegates voiced concern over the underrepresentation of women at senior management level in local government. Angela Kirk, assistant general secretary with IMPACT said “Figures from July 2014 show that of the 31 chief executive posts in local government only seven are held by women; that is 22%. In 2013 at least ten local authorities had no women employed at managerial level, including county manager posts, director of service and heads of finance posts. Research from the Department of Justice and Equality last year tells us that we have the best educated female population in Europe but we do not use this talent to best effect.

Mick Scully cycled from Portlaoise to Galway to raise funds for the Nepal earthquake relief fund, and arrived into the Local Government divisional conference on Wednesday 20th May. He was supported by the Ordnance Survey branch of IMPACT and an ordnance survey car accompanied him on his 145km journey. Any IMPACT branches wishing to donate to the cause can contribute by sending a cheque payable to: “UNICEF Nepal Children’s Crisis Fund” and post to Gerry Duffy, Treasurer, Ordnance Survey IMPACT Branch, Ordnance Survey Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny City (Ph 085-1610600).

The Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government Alan Kelly TD, addressed delegates on Thursday 21st May. In his speech he acknowledged the important role public servants have played in the economic recovery. He also made a commitment to engage in discussions with IMPACT on a number of issues including library amalgamation proposals, the future of fire services, social housing and sick leave anomalies.

An emergency conference motion, calling upon the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Paschal Donohoe TD, to oppose the sale of the Government’s stake in Aer Lingus, was passed by delegates in the Services and Enterprise division on Thursday 21st May. IMPACT national secretary Matt Staunton told delegates that the CEOs of both Aer Lingus and IAG had refused to respond to union requests for assurances on worker’s pay, or terms and conditions in the event of a successful takeover of Aer Lingus by IAG.

The issue of library amalgamations was high on the agenda at the Local government conference as branches from Dublin, Laois, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Cork, and Cavan brought motions about the proposal to bring the number of library services in the country from 32 to 23. National secretary with IMPACT Peter Nolan said “no cost benefit analysis has been carried out, whilst the merger of two or three library services in this way will result in a loss of expertise at the highest level and ultimately lead to a reduced service to the public”.


A motion to oppose the amalgamation of veterinary services was also passed. Rita Gately, County Veterinary officer for Galway, spoke to the motions and said “The proposals would mean that the county veterinary posts would be regionalised and there would be a direct reporting structure to the lead authority, of which there would only be three in the whole of Ireland. This would result in lost autonomy and a lessened ability to interact with and support local abattoirs and meat manufacturing premises”.

These conferences concluded conference season for 2015. IMPACT will mark the 25th anniversary of the union at the biennial delegate conference next year.

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