In this issue
Interested in becoming an IMPACT rep?
UHI to cost families €3,600 a year
IMPACT wants urgent housing intervention
Limerick hospital row moves to LRC
Talks on water staffing expected
Civil service unions to explore cooperation
Tusla admin review to kick off
by Bernard Harbor
IMPACT has organised a series of information meetings across the country for clerical and administrative staff in Tusla, the child and family agency. They have been organised in advance of a review of the clerical and administrative structures in place to support children’s services delivered by social workers and other health professionals in the agency.

IMPACT has pushed hard for the exercise, which has been a long time in preparation. It’s expected to examine staffing levels, including shortfalls and disparities between different areas. It will also look at the roles and responsibilities of clerical and admin staff.

A small number of pilot exercises will be carried out by former IMPACT general secretary Peter McLoone and former HSE HR official Nuala Clarke from next month. The IMPACT meetings have been organised to take place in advance of these formal meetings.

You can get the details of the IMPACT meetings HERE.
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