Call for elimination of racial discrimination at work
by Mehak Dugal
Owen Reidy, ICTU General Secretary added: “There are a small number of very vocal groups here organising to sew their hate and division amongst our communities and workplaces.
Owen Reidy, ICTU General Secretary added: “There are a small number of very vocal groups here organising to sew their hate and division amongst our communities and workplaces.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and Irish Business and Employers Confederation (Ibec) marked the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination earlier this week with a commitment to stand against racism and to promote inclusive workplaces.


In the joint statement on Tuesday (21st March), ICTU and Ibec said Ireland had a very diverse labour market, with migrants and people from ethnic minorities playing key roles across the economy and the public services, particularly the health service.


“Despite huge strides in terms of equality legislation and positive developments, research has shown that we have much to work on to enhance the experience of migrants and ethnic minorities in our workplaces. A 2021 IHREC report, points to Travellers, Roma, Migrants and Refugees being more likely to face restrictions in accessing the labour market; experience barriers in occupational attainment; have lower pay, reduced job security and poor working conditions; and are more exposed to work-related inequality and discrimination,” the statement said.


The Traveller community has the highest unemployment rate in the workforce at almost 80%.


A recent Pavee Point and Maynooth University report also finds that many Roma face significant inequalities in the workplace and points to actions needed to stop racism, discrimination, and possible exploitation.


Danny McCoy, CEO of Ibec said an open and tolerant society was “irrefutably a key driver for social and economic wellbeing and success.”


“Experience has shown that the diverse workforces that underpin the Irish labour market have helped to strengthen talent pools, boost productivity, increase creativity and innovation, all of which have contributed to Ireland’s competitiveness and growth in recent decades. Despite this, research tells us that we have more work to do to ensure our workplaces are welcoming to a wide culturally diverse community of individuals.


“We must remain vigilant to racism, harassment and racial discrimination and ensure that it has no place in our workplaces, and that it is not allowed to be part of any narrative or to undermine the positive actions undertaken,” he said.


Owen Reidy, ICTU General Secretary added: “There are a small number of very vocal groups here organising to sew their hate and division amongst our communities and workplaces. We are confident that the vast majority of Irish people do not support them and stand for an inclusive and democratic Ireland."


Mr. Reidy said ICTU has committed to building solidarity between working people of all backgrounds and to work towards ensuring that their message never gains mainstream traction in communities and workplaces.


“Further investment in workplace integration can help make our workplaces more effective roles for wider society,” he added.


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