Fórsa donate to Wexford Marine Watch
by Mark Corcoran
Pictured – Paul Moyer, Kate Miskella (Health & welfare Division), Nicola Kennedy Cosgrave (Wexford CS Clerical Branch and volunteer), George Lawlor (Chairperson WMW).
Pictured – Paul Moyer, Kate Miskella (Health & welfare Division), Nicola Kennedy Cosgrave (Wexford CS Clerical Branch and volunteer), George Lawlor (Chairperson WMW).

Fórsa have recently donated €1,000 to the Wexford Marine Watch (WMW), a voluntary organisation which provides suicide prevention patrols along Wexford Quays, Estuary & Harbour.


WMW are a registered charity established in December 2012 with the primary purpose to contribute to suicide prevention by identifying and intercepting vulnerable people who may be in difficulty before they harm themselves, by giving them immediate support and to get them to safety as soon as possible.


Previously, in tragic instances many people in difficulty were not intercepted in time and those who entered the water got swept away by the very strong tidal flows in the harbour. This often resulted in drawn out lengthy searches by voluntary agencies, sometimes for weeks or even months, increasing distress & heartbreak for the families, relatives, search teams, and the wider community.


Fórsa Assistant General Secretary, Paul Moyer, who is a volunteer with the WMV, thanked Fórsa and its members for making this donation: “It is your membership fees that will directly impact in a positive way the communities, families, friends, and work colleagues who rely on Wexford Marine Watch. The donation will be put towards the running, training, and operations of the organisation.”


He added “The Wexford Marine Watch are extremely appreciative of the generous donation from Fórsa. Members across all divisions will benefit from this.”


If any branch would like to donate to the Wexford Marine Watch they can do so by contacting Paul at pmoyer@forsa.ie.


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