Launch of Fórsa Women’s Activist Network
Saturday 3rd November 2018
by Niall Shanahan
This national meeting is the first of a series of new Equality Networks to be established by the Equality Committee over the coming months. |
The launch of the Fórsa Women’s Activist Network will take place on Saturday 3rd November at 11am at Fórsa's Nerney's Court Office. This new Equality Network will provide a forum for members across the union to meet and discuss issues relevant to women in the workplace. This national meeting is the first of a series of new Equality Networks to be established by the Equality Committee over the coming months.
The meeting will be opened by ICTU General Secretary Patricia King and will feature speakers on the gender pay gap, access to flexible working schemes, the role of women within Fórsa and other topics of interest to activists across the union. The event, which will run from 11am to 3pm, will include speakers on the following topics:
- Patricia King, General Secretary Irish Congress of Trade Unions – Opening remarks
- Ann McGee, Fórsa President - Building the Women’s Activist Network
- Orla O’Connor, Director National Women’s Council of Ireland – The Gender Pay Gap and mandatory Reporting
- Laura Bambrick, Social Policy & Legislative Officer Irish Congress of Trade Unions - Wives, Mothers, Workers: A brief history of the treatment of women in tax and welfare policies
- Angela Kirk, Fórsa National Secretary – Women working in Aviation – experiences, barriers & opportunities
- Lisa Wilson, Economist at the Nevin Economic Research Institute – The importance of flexible working for women in the workplace
- Margaret Coughlan, Chair ICTU Women’s Committee – Our Fórsa Inspire Training and how we can develop the role of Women within Fórsa
The full programme is available to view here. This is the first of a number of new Equality Networks which will be established over the coming months aimed at improving equality in the workplace for Fórsa members.
Places are available to members on a first come first served basis, lunch will be provided. To book a place please send an email to this address with 'Fórsa Women’s Activist Network' in the subject heading.