Fórsa outraged at Ugandan anti-LGBTQ+ law
by Mark Corcoran
Fórsa National Secretary Ashley Connolly was appalled by the enactment of the law and said that  Fórsa will work tirelessly to protect people from all forms of homophobia and transphobia.
Fórsa National Secretary Ashley Connolly was appalled by the enactment of the law and said that  Fórsa will work tirelessly to protect people from all forms of homophobia and transphobia.

Fórsa condemned the enactment of a new anti-LGBTQ+ law in Uganda, which further criminalises LGBTQ+ individuals and those advocating for their rights, including civil society groups, trade unions and public health advocates. This is one of the world’s harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws, which includes the death penalty.


The law also prohibits advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights, and requires friends, family, and the wider community report LGBTQ+ individuals to authorities, making it even more difficult for people to live freely and without harassment.


The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has also condemned the move arguing that rather than marginalising this community, Uganda must respect their fundamental human rights enshrined not only in the country’s Constitution but in the African Charter on Human and People’s rights as well. There are also fears that this law may encourage other neighbouring countries, such as Kenya and Tanzania, to introduce similar measures.


Fórsa National Secretary Ashley Connolly was appalled by the enactment of the law and said that  Fórsa will work tirelessly to protect people from all forms of homophobia and transphobia.


“The trade union movement has called on the Ugandan government to adhere to its international obligations on non-discrimination and respect for personal privacy, irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity.This legislation promotes discrimination, prejudice, and hatred against LGBTQ+ people."


“Fórsa, along with Congress will work tirelessly with its trade union partners in Africa to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people from state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia,” she said.


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