DSP resumes full public hours
by Róisín McKane
Paul stressed the need for DSP to ensure adequate staffing levels in ICs to facilitate normal opening. 
Paul stressed the need for DSP to ensure adequate staffing levels in ICs to facilitate normal opening. 

The Department of Social Protection (DSP) has restored normal public opening hours for walk-in services in Intreo centres (ICs), following substantial union engagement. Normal public hours have resumed on a phased bases, with services expected to be fully operational over the coming weeks. 


Fórsa official Paul MacSweeney explained that the resumption of services began last month. “Large ICs opened for walk-in customers each afternoon from 7th February, with medium ICs opening from 14th February. Smaller ICs began their phased opening to the public from 21st February,” he said.


Paul stressed the need for DSP to ensure adequate staffing levels in ICs to facilitate normal opening. 


“Fórsa has sought this. Adequate staffing levels must be maintained to ensure the resumption of services,” he said.

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