Transport workers caught up in war
by Mark Corcoran
Due to the strategic importance of transport in times of war workers on the ground have been risking their lives to ensure the delivery of food, medicine and aid.
Due to the strategic importance of transport in times of war workers on the ground have been risking their lives to ensure the delivery of food, medicine and aid.

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) has been working alongside unions across Europe to provide assistance and aid to transport workers risking their lives across Ukraine. Due to the strategic importance of transport in times of war workers on the ground have been risking their lives to ensure the delivery of food, medicine and aid.


Aviation workers in Ukraine have been left stranded with no support from their employers in certain situations. Opportunistic airlines maintained flights in-and-out of Ukraine until the last-minute, risking the safety of their crew, despite reports that these airlines had knowledge of upcoming threats and sanctions.


Avoiding the airspace of both Russian and Ukraine has meant an increase airtime of up to five hours, which has left pilots and cabin crew working longer hours. The ETF has indicated that the safety of crew and passengers must remain the principal concern, and all airspace over or near any form of conflict should remain closed until the end of any conflict.


Due to the exclusion of air traffic over Ukraine it has been extremely difficult to ensure essential supplies are being delivered to their intended destinations. Currently care packages are being flown to border countries before truck drivers take it upon themselves to deliver the goods.


Ukrainian railway workers have been working day and night to transport refugees to border countries such as Poland, Hungry and Romania. Despite the risk, workers have offered their assistance to create evacuation corridors to facilitate the escape of peoples from war torn areas such as Mariapol and Donetsk.


People across Europe have already banded together to ensure food, water and financial assistance is available to all those who have travelled. Evacuations are still on-going with over 200 buses arriving at neighbouring countries from Berdyansk on Wednesday.


Meanwhile, thousands of truck drivers were left stranded as they struggle to fund their fuel and toll journeys. These workers often risk their lives to supply frontline areas.


ETF transport unions across Europe are working to assist all stranded transport workers by providing practical assistance to all.


Unions also remain watchful to safeguard workers and refugees against exploitation and guarantee that they are provided with housing, stable jobs and access to education and healthcare.


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