Membership boost follows first ever Trade Union Week
by Hannah Deasy


Ireland’s first ever Trade Union Week took place last week. Over 60 Fórsa branches got involved in organising events in schools, hospitals, and offices, leading to a direct increase in new members. 

Trade Union Week was part of the Better in a Trade Union campaign, launched by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) earlier this year.

At the beginning of the week ICTU General Secretary Owen Reidy called on the State to introduce legal protection and rights for workers to join a union as Ireland. He said:  “We want to see the EU Minimum Wage Directive implemented as a priority to ensure all workers can enjoy full rights and legal protections, and to remove any barriers that exist around joining a union.”

“Our aim for Trade Union Week is to show those yet to join a union the huge benefits that exist in collective action and bargaining. Every worker is better in a trade union."

Fórsa national secretary and ICTU Vice President Katie Morgan said “The tremendous efforts by Fórsa activists really showcased the diversity and strength of our union.  This campaign is all about promoting the benefits of unionising and encouraging workers to join their union, so we are delighted that the events organised by Fórsa branches have had a real impact on recruitment and awareness raising.”

Katie continued “Last week, in the workplaces where Trade Union Week events took place, on average we saw a 25% increase in new membership applications, compared to the preceding four weeks.”

Highlights from around the country included an impromptu concert by Christy Moore in Dún Laoghaire  Rathdown County Hall, a talk by Helen Corish in Red Books in Wexford on the 1911 Wexford Lockout, and Bohemians F.C. wearing Better in a Trade Union jerseys in Oriel Park.


Several events were co-organised with other unions including the INMO, SIPTU, the AHCPS, and the INTO, showcasing how unions work together in workplaces to achieve real change for members. 


In Dublin Fórsa Youth welcomed members from all union youth networks to a panel discussion celebrating the role of young leaders in the trade union movement. Participants then went on to take part in the Dublin Council of Trade Unions annual May Day march. 


Watch our members talk about why they got involved in Trade Union Week below.




There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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