Talks on job evaluation to reconvene this month
by Róisín McKane
A recent union survey of local government workers found that 80% of respondents would apply for a job evaluation scheme if one was made available.
A recent union survey of local government workers found that 80% of respondents would apply for a job evaluation scheme if one was made available.

Fórsa and the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) are to reconvene at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) later this month to engage on the implementation of a job evaluation scheme in the sector. 


Following successful industrial action by local authority members, and intensive engagement in conciliation at the WRC, both parties agreed to pause negotiations last September pending the national pay talks. The Public Service Agreement 2024-2026, which came into effect earlier this year, made provisions for re-engagement to progress this matter further. Fórsa wrote to the WRC last month triggering this clause, and a hearing date of 25th June was set. 


Head of Fórsa’s Local Government and Local Services, and Municipal Employees’ Divisions, Richy Carrothers said that the union is entering the talks “in the spirit of collaboration” but warned that our commitment to securing job evaluation in the sector should be in no doubt.


“Local authorities experienced the greatest reduction of employees during the austerity era, leading to what we see as a significant ‘grade drift’ in the sector. It means, simply, that many people are working above the grade at which they’re employed. What is currently in place is neither fair nor sustainable,” he said. 


A recent union survey of local government workers found that 80% of respondents would apply for a job evaluation scheme if one was made available. Shockingly 40% of respondents indicated that they are actively seeking an alternative job, with 46% of those stating that lack of career progression is the reason.


“Local authority workers up and down the country have been carrying additional duties for years, but without any recognition for the extra work. We’re entering these talks in a collaborative way, looking at practical solutions that will benefit the sector and assist with recruitment and retention. Our members want and deserve job evaluation and the LGMA should be in no doubt of our commitment to deliver this,” said Richy. 


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