Breakthrough in overhaul of C&A scheme
by Hannah Deasy
“In this day and age, the current dispute resolution process for civil servants doesn’t make sense anymore and is simply not tenable. We are intent on reforming the C&A scheme and welcome this significant step forwards.”
“In this day and age, the current dispute resolution process for civil servants doesn’t make sense anymore and is simply not tenable. We are intent on reforming the C&A scheme and welcome this significant step forwards.”

Fórsa has been at the centre of negotiations in relation to the re-modelling of the Conciliation & Arbitration scheme which the union believes is outdated, outmoded and no longer fit for purpose. 


One of the glaring deficiencies of the current scheme is the lack of a dispute resolution process to resolve trade disputes as they happen, similar to the conciliation service provided by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).


At a General Council meeting held last week on Wednesday 29th May, DPENDR confirmed its agreement, in principle, to the introduction of a dispute resolution facilitation process. It is hoped that such a process will be facilitated by WRC personnel, given their significant expertise in dispute resolution.


Head of Fórsa’s civil service division Eamonn Donnelly said: “In this day and age, the current dispute resolution process for civil servants doesn’t make sense anymore and is simply not tenable. We are intent on reforming the C&A scheme and welcome this significant step forwards.”


Eamonn continued “Our ambition is to import similar efficiencies and conditions into the scheme as those which exist within the industrial relations machinery and processes provided by the state, through the WRC and the Labour Court, to which all other public servants have access. If we get this right we can have a C&A scheme which is both exemplary and durable.”


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