A gender gap that works for women
by Hazel Gavigan
The study found that men prioritised career progression, pay, benefits, and the reputation of the organisation.
The study found that men prioritised career progression, pay, benefits, and the reputation of the organisation.

Women experience greater levels of job satisfaction than men. That’s according to new research carried out by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).

A survey of 48,000 workers across 28 EU countries found differences in job preferences between men and women that were linked to rates of satisfaction.

The study found that men prioritised career progression, pay, benefits, and the reputation of the organisation. But women placed more importance on being interested in the work, work-life balance, skills match, gaining experience, job security and proximity to home.

Previous research has indicated that the gender satisfaction gap is down to women’s lower career expectations. However, these new findings prove it’s actually the difference in initial priorities that creates the divide.

Liking the work and having a good work-life balance are the two preferences most strongly associated with job satisfaction. Because women prioritise these factors when choosing a position, the gender divide is then created.

Therefore, the campaign for a four-day week could actually improve job satisfaction for everyone by creating a greater work-life balance through the reduction of working time.

Read more about that HERE.

Read more about the ESRI research HERE.

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