The Israeli state of apartheid
by Mark Corcoran
Fórsa official and member of Trade Union Friends of Palestine Richy Carrothers welcomed the findings. “Israeli authorities must be held accountable for the crime of apartheid against Palestinians,” he said.
Fórsa official and member of Trade Union Friends of Palestine Richy Carrothers welcomed the findings. “Israeli authorities must be held accountable for the crime of apartheid against Palestinians,” he said.

Fórsa has welcomed an Amnesty International report which condemns Israeli apartheid and calls for international action to end the oppression of the Palestinian people.


The comprehensive report, ‘Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity,’ sets out how seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law.


Amnesty has called on the EU, USA Britain and other states to “recognise that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid and other international crimes.”


The human right group says the international community should “use all political and diplomatic tools to ensure Israeli authorities implement the recommendations outlined in this report and review any cooperation and activities with Israel to ensure that these do not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid.”


Fórsa official and member of Trade Union Friends of Palestine Richy Carrothers welcomed the findings. “Israeli authorities must be held accountable for the crime of apartheid against Palestinians,” he said.


He echoed the Irish Congress of Trade Unions’ (ICTU) call for international sanctions on Israel including an arms embargo. ICTU has called for the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli apartheid, and says the United Nations should re-establish its Special Committee against Apartheid.


The substantial report, compiled over a period of four years by the London-based rights group, means that Amnesty has joined the ranks of Human Rights Watch and the Israeli rights group B’Tselem who have also accused Israel of apartheid in the last year.


“The report marks progress in addressing the root causes of the decades-long, systematic denial of Palestinian rights,” said Richy.


Read the Amnesty International report HERE.

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