Fórsa welcomes move to disregard historical convictions
by Roisin McKane

Fórsa has welcomed the announcement that Government is to disregard historical convictions for the committing of sexual acts between consenting men.


The new measures were announced at a meeting with LGBTQI+ groups in Government Buildings last week to coincide with Pride, and comes following a long fought battle by LGBTQI+ activists.


Five years ago, the Government made a formal apology to gay men who were criminalised for their sexual orientation, and a working group consisting of representatives from the Department of Justice, An Garda Síochána, the Office of the Attorney General, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) and individuals from the LGBTQI+ community with expertise in this area was established to examine how this could be progressed.


Subsequently, the Department of Justice published the Working Group Progress Report, which contained a number of recommendations, including the need for targeted public consultation for affected persons and representative groups.


LGBTQI+ activist and Fórsa member Kieran Rose formed part of the Department's working group to inform policy in this area. Kieran spoke on the matter at the union’s equality seminar last November, during which he discussed the role of trade unions in lifting a “beleaguered minority” in the 1980’s.


“This was a time where the media coverage of passing of the LGPSU and ICTU motions was a very crucial milestone,” he said.

Fórsa National Secretary and Equality Officer Ashley Connolly said the progress “marks a milestone” for those impacted by the archaic and unjust law.


“While this will not erase the wrong that was done, or undo the hurt inflicted on people who were discriminated against for simply being themselves, this new Government policy will work to address the harm done to generations of gay and bisexual men," she said.


Ashley paid tribute to her former comrade Kieran Rose for his tireless work for equality.


“Kieran has worked tirelessly and selflessly for decades, campaigning for equality and justice, and supporting the LGBTQI+ community. Society is all the better for his activism,” she said.



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