Fórsa condemns library protests
by Róisín McKane
Richy supported the public library workers, saying “they should be applauded - not abused”.
Richy supported the public library workers, saying “they should be applauded - not abused”.

Fórsa has condemned protesters who have been entering libraries, harassing library workers, and attempting to remove books they deem to be “inappropriate” for children.


Protesters claim that LGBTQ+ books promote ‘gender ideology and pornography’ and violate child protection legislation.


They have advised followers to enter public libraries, ask librarians to show them LGBTQ+ books in the aged 12-17 section and take photos of relevant books with “inappropriate” reading materials which “violate” the Children First Act (2015).


Head of Local Authorities Richy Carrothers said the abuse and harassment of public library staff was “absolutely unacceptable”.


Earlier this week the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA), which manages public libraries, issued library staff with instructions to secure buildings, alert gardaí and avoid commenting to the media in response to rising numbers of protesters seeking to remove books.


A spokesperson for the LGMA said they were aware of protests and that some library authorities have had to provide additional support to their staff as a result, including information on how to deal with such incidents and how to protect their wellbeing.


Richy supported the public library workers, saying “they should be applauded - not abused”.


“We proudly represent hardworking library staff. They do integral work, including creating inclusive communities. We support our dedicated members and won't accept any intimidation of our members in their workplaces!” he said.


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