Articles A
Fórsa seeks abolition of reduced mileage for training
by Seán Carabini and Róisin McKane

Fórsa has taken a claim to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) seeking the abolition of the option that allows civil service employers to pay reduced mileage rates for attendances at training courses.

Fórsa has taken a claim to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) seeking the abolition of the option that allows civil service employers to pay reduced mileage rates for attendances at training courses.


Fórsa official Seán Carabini explained that the decision to take the claim was timely, given the transposition of the EU Directive on Transparent and Predictable working and its references to training.


“The issue is simple, Section 37 of the Directive says that such training should count as working time and, where possible, should be carried out during working hours,” he said.


Séan said that Fórsa wants to see the same travel and subsistence rates apply to training.


“The Directive indicates that training should count as working time. We know what the travel and subsistence arrangements are for travel that must be undertaken in conjunction with ‘normal’ work, therefore want to see the same travel and subsistence arrangements apply to training. The Directive supports our position that training is a core part of work and should be treated as such,” he explained.


The claim has been tabled for discussion at the Civil Service General Council and a response is awaited.


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Reduction of waiting time for AO higher scales sought
by Roisin McKane and Sean Carabini

Fórsa is set to take a claim to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) seeking a reduction in the time spent serving in the Administrative Officer (AO) grade before an AO worker is eligible to be considered for a higher scales uplift.

Fórsa is set to take a claim to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) seeking a reduction in the time spent serving in the Administrative Officer (AO) grade before an AO worker is eligible to be considered for a higher scales uplift.


Currently, in accordance with the agreement reached in Finance Circular 24/1995, an AO must have three years of service in the grade before they become eligible for consideration for a higher scales uplift. This differs from the grades of Higher Executive Officer (HEO) and Executive Officer (EO), each of which require only two years of service in the grade.


Fórsa official Seán Carabini explained that this was one of the many issues identified by the union’s AO working group over the last year.


“AOs believe that the additional year of service required before eligibility when compared with other grades is inequitable and are keen to see this changed. If we are successful, it will mean that AOs will be eligible for consideration a year earlier,” he said.


The rules of how higher scales are administered are different in each Department and, indeed, can be different in different divisions of the same Department.


“This claim will, at the very least, ensure an equity in higher scales. There are other issues that we need to go after for AOs, including the pay disparity between the HEO and AO grades for work that is often the same,” he said.


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Lunch and learn: The Rise of the Far-Right
by Róisín McKane

The next instalment of the Fórsa Skills Academy ‘Lunch and Learn’ series will take place on Friday 30th June from 1pm – 2pm, focusing on the rise of the far right.

The next instalment of the Fórsa Skills Academy ‘Lunch and Learn’ series will take place on Friday 30th June from 1pm – 2pm, focusing on the rise of the far right. Members interested in attending should register their interest here.


Dr Ciarán O’Connor, Senior Analyst with The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) will deliver the hour-long virtual session. The ISD is an independent NGO that researches online hate, extremism, and disinformation. Ciarán specialises in researching and investigating right-wing extremist networks online and has been monitoring how far-right groups have been at the core of the recent anti-immigrant surge in Ireland. 


The ‘Lunch and Learn’ series aims to give members the knowledge to support them as a union member or representative whilst supplementing the broad range of training programmes currently being offered by Skills Academy. Members can catch up on previous sessions here


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Remembering Tom Browne
by Róisín McKane

Tributes to Fórsa activist and former NEC member Tom Browne flooded in after the sad news broke last week of his passing, following a long illness.

A proud local authority library worker and deeply committed trade unionist, Tom held many roles within the union. He was Caothairleach of the Local Government and Local Services Division and represented that division on the Fórsa national executive committee (NEC). He was also a member of the union’s International and Global Solidarity Committee.


He was described as a true trade unionist and a cornerstone of the union.


Fórsa General Secretary Kevin Callinan paid tribute to his long-time comrade and said the union had been “truly bereft” since his passing.


“We’ve lost a selfless man of high principle who shared his wisdom to the benefit of his fellow union members and wider society. Tom was held in the deepest respect by so many and our thoughts are with his wife Bernie, and children Rachel and Jack at this time,” he said.


Fórsa official Padraig Mulligan described his friend’s unwavering commitment to members for the last thirty years. 


“Tom’s commitment and dedication to our Galway branch members, our Local Government DEC and our NEC has been exceptional. If one was asked to describe the perfect union rep one would find it hard to surpass Tom Browne as the perfect example. ‘It’s not what the union can do for me but what I can do for my union,’ goes a little way to capturing the essence of him as a leader. With Tom it was always others first, never ever himself, and we miss him terribly,” he said.


Fórsa National Secretary Richy Carrothers paid tribute to Tom’s loyalty and friendship.


“Throughout our lives we look for people to take example from, and Tom was certainly that. He was a true trade unionist. The world is richer having had Tom in it,” he said.


Fórsa members and activists took part in a guard of honour marking Tom’s funeral. Our thoughts are with Tom’s family and friends at this time.


Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal

Cork rally raises the roof
by Mark Corcoran

The Raise the Roof campaign saw up to a thousand people take to the streets of Cork last Saturday (10th of June) supporting a rally calling for immediate changes to the Government’s housing policy.

The Raise the Roof campaign saw up to a thousand people take to the streets of Cork last Saturday (10th of June) supporting a rally calling for immediate changes to the Government’s housing policy.


The Fórsa backed coalition brings together a wide range of unions and other civil society bodies to demand radical new action on the housing crisis, which is now one of the ‘longest and most severe’ in Ireland’s history.


Assembling at Connolly Hall, the protestors could be heard chanting “Blame the Government, not refugees.”


Fórsa’s Director of Campaigns, Kevin Donoghue said that there was a very strong turnout and thanked all Fórsa members who attended


“The Raise the Roof campaign is essential to addressing the huge problems in housing that require immediate and radical change. We must continue to show the Government that the current situation is not acceptable. Everyone who lives and works in Ireland deserves access to affordable and secure housing.


“The huge numbers of people attending these marches is a statement to Government that we will not accept the current situation and will continue to fight for them to see housing as a human right,” he said.


A legal right to housing and a State-led housing programme with a mandate to deliver affordable homes for all are just some of the solutions set out in the Raise the Roof manifesto


More information on the campaign can be found on FacebookInstagram and Twitter, and those looking to get involved should contact campaigns director Kevin Donoghue HERE.


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Senior managers not in tune with views of their staff
by Mark Corcoran

More than half of employees believe their senior managers are not in tune with the views of their staff, that’s according to the latest Global Work Trend Index by Microsoft.

More than half of employees believe their senior managers are not in tune with the views of their staff, that’s according to the latest Global Work Trend Index by Microsoft. Although most people are happy in their current jobs, a significant percentage of those currently considering a job move cited dissatisfaction with management as a key factor.


The survey, based on almost 700 Irish respondents, revealed that opinion is divided on the benefits of hybrid working models, as workplace culture emerged as the top priority for working professionals.


While remote working remains a popular consideration, lack of trust in senior management is cited as the most common factor among those leaving their roles in the past year. Almost a fifth of those who left their jobs did so due to layoffs.


Two-thirds of respondents said the promotion of a good workplace culture was a key responsibility for employers. It was comfortably the most cited issue ahead of the promotion of health and wellbeing and flexible working arrangements.


Hybrid working models are causing concern among many employees, however, with over half saying they felt their workplace culture had deteriorated in the past 12 months, and 55% indicating they have fewer workplace friends now.


Fórsa Deputy General Secretary Éamonn Donnelly said that many employers are still grappling with the new ways of work brough on by the pandemic.


“There is a pressing need for leadership training across the country to better understand what engages staff in a hybrid work setting. The research is clear that remote working is the way forward and it brings with it huge benefits like an increase in social happiness, more time for hobbies and having a positive environmental impact.


“It is the responsibility of managers to ensure a fair and effective hybrid system with strong support, staff development, communications and fair and objective performance management is in place for all staff to reap the benefits of the new ways of work,” he said.



 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Feature Article
Better benefits for Fórsa members
by Roisin McKane

Fórsa members can avail of a range of additional benefits. Some are financial, others by means of support. With some schemes members are automatically enrolled when they join the union, and there are others that operate on an “opt in” basis. It is important to note however, that members can make considerable savings through these benefits.


So what exactly does your membership subscription get you?

Financial benefits


After 6 months in membership all members are entitled to the following:

  • €5,000 personal accident cover and €5,000 critical illness
  • Death benefit for you and your spouse. 
  • €5,000 illness benefit if you're out of work for more than 12 months. Evacuation or repatriation expenses up to €250,000 for members deceased, seriously injured or ill abroad.


Every Fórsa member is also entitled to:

    • €5,000 personal accident cover and €5,000 critical illness 
    • Death benefit for you and your spouse.
    • €5,000 illness benefit if you’re out of work for more than 12 months. 
    • Evacuation or repatriation expenses up to €250,000 for members deceased, seriously injured or ill abroad. 
    • Forsa members can also apply for:
    • Gaeltacht scholarships for your children. 
    • Industrial relations scholarships. 
    • Benevolent grants if you find yourself in financial distress

Fórsa has negotiated exclusive schemes for members with Cornmarket, including the salary protection scheme, now with a free online doctor service, the AVC scheme, alongside motor and home insurance.


Member only schemes have also been negotiated with Arachas, JLT, KennCo, and Marsh. Providers will give members advice on various financial products.


In addition to this, Fórsa members can now save 50% on their AA Roadside Rescue plan, through a new and exclusive union negotiated scheme.



Support services


Fórsa members can also avail of free counseling, legal advice and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, through the following helplines:


Legal help in bodily injury cases 0818 776644

Legal advice helpline 0818 776644

Confidential counselling helpline 1800 776655

Domestic assistance helpline 091 545928

Health and medical information service 0818 25 41 64


In addition, provisions have been made for a benevolent grant for members who are in financial distress. Gaeltacht scholarships are available for members who have school age children. Members can also avail of industrial relations scholarships.


Group Scheme


Another hidden gem is the group scheme. This operates on an “opt in” basis and there are huge savings to be made on everyday items. Members can access discounts from small businesses located near their place of work including restaurants, retailers, hairdressers and coffee shops.


The group scheme also operates a cashback system. The concept is simple; every time you shop online with one of the cashback partners they will reimburse a portion of what you spend. The money accumulates in your group scheme cashback account, which you can transfer to your bank account at any time.


Deputy General Secretary Matt Staunton explains just how important these schemes are for members. “All of the membership schemes are hugely beneficial. Fórsa has negotiated with a number of financial providers to give members the best options available. With the financial products, members will see discounts on what they are currently paying. This is of huge importance to our members, especially considering the cost of living crisis,” he said.


Matt also highlighted the benefits of the group scheme. “This is a real money saver and members can more than negate the cost of their union subscriptions through the savings and offers available.”


For more information on the full range of benefits visit the Fórsa website. 


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Also in this issue
Fórsa outraged at Ugandan anti-LGBTQ+ law
by Mark Corcoran

Fórsa condemned the enactment of a new anti-LGBTQ+ law in Uganda, which further criminalises LGBTQ+ individuals and those advocating for their rights, including civil society groups, trade unions and public health advocates. This is one of the world’s harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws, which includes the death penalty.


The law also prohibits advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights, and requires friends, family, and the wider community report LGBTQ+ individuals to authorities, making it even more difficult for people to live freely and without harassment.


The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has also condemned the move arguing that rather than marginalising this community, Uganda must respect their fundamental human rights enshrined not only in the country’s Constitution but in the African Charter on Human and People’s rights as well. There are also fears that this law may encourage other neighbouring countries, such as Kenya and Tanzania, to introduce similar measures.


Fórsa National Secretary Ashley Connolly was appalled by the enactment of the law and said that  Fórsa will work tirelessly to protect people from all forms of homophobia and transphobia.


“The trade union movement has called on the Ugandan government to adhere to its international obligations on non-discrimination and respect for personal privacy, irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity.This legislation promotes discrimination, prejudice, and hatred against LGBTQ+ people."


“Fórsa, along with Congress will work tirelessly with its trade union partners in Africa to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people from state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia,” she said.


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

Save the date: Fórsa Global Solidarity Autumn School
by Roisin McKane

Fórsa’s Global Solidarity Autumn School will take place on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th November in Nerney’s Court, Dublin.


The school will provide a unique opportunity for interested members to discuss a range of international, trade union and human rights issues.


Delegates will hear about projects that Fórsa actively fund across the world, and it will also be an opportunity to hear about the union’s global solidarity work.


More information on the event will be circulated to branches in the coming weeks. In the meantime, members can contact if they have queries.


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

KennCo Travel Insurance
by KennCo Insurance

KennCo Insurance offer Fórsa members a special discount on their travel insurance.


Our low cost Annual Multi-Trip cover costs just €64.90 (effective 1/1/23) for Fórsa members which includes cover for your spouse/partner and dependent children.*


This Fórsa member offer covers individuals, couples and families with Travel Insurance to protect your holiday.


*Dependent children up to and including 17 years old only or if still in full time education up to and including 22 years old. Applies to individuals 70 years and under only. You must be living with your partner for at least 6 months. Terms and conditions will apply.


Main Features

  • Annual Multi-trip cover
  • Worldwide
  • 365-day, 24 hour emergency medical assistance service during your insured trip
  • Cancellation & Curtailment – up to €6,000
  • Lost Baggage – up to €3,000
  • Medical & Emergency Expenses – up to €10,000,000
  • Personal Accident – up €30,000
  • Travel Delay and Disruption – up to €6,000
  • Public Liability – up to €2,500,0000
  • Winter Sports & Scuba Diving Included
  • Cruise cover up to €300


Terms, conditions and excesses will apply.


Get more information and a secure quote HERE


KennCo Underwriting Ltd T/A KennCo Insurance is regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland.


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

ILO calls for social progress
by Mark Corcoran

The Irish Congress of Trade Union’s David Joyce recently delivered a powerful and constructive speech at the International Labour Conference 2023, highlighting many of the challenges still facing workers and marginalised groups in Ireland and across the world.


Despite these challenges, Joyce brought an optimistic and proactive approach to calling for changes that will promote social justice and improve working conditions for all.


The ICTU Equality, Global Solidarity and Social Policy Officer began his speech by noting the important work being done to abolish child labour and urging the Irish government to join Alliance 8.7, a platform which is used to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking.


He also welcomed the ratification of the ILO Convention 190 and The Work Life Balance Act, which delivers a range of initiatives to help workers reconcile work and caring responsibilities including the right to request remote working and paid leave for victims of domestic violence.


In addition to the challenges facing Ireland, including the cost-of-living crisis and the rise of the far right, Joyce also expressed solidarity with LGBTQ+ colleagues during Pride month, and the workers and people of Ukraine.


He called attention to the harrowing situation of workers in the Occupied Territories and the need for urgent action to deliver social justice to the people of Palestine.


Fórsa’s Head of Local Government and Local Services Richy Carrothers praised Joyce’s speech saying it highlighted the need for positive change when it comes to advancing social justice.


“David’s speech offered a proactive and optimistic tone that highlights the potential for positive change in the world. From equality and inclusion to supporting the people of Palestine. Our movement, the international voice of labour, offers hope, support and solidarity,” he said.


Richy highlighted the role of the trade union movement in combatting hate and inequality.


“Unions are essential to combating hate and social inequality and are at the forefront of ensuring an equal, progressive society. By calling attention to these issues and demanding action, Ireland can continue to make progress towards advancing social justice, promoting equality, and fostering inclusion,” he said.


 There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

New AA Roadside Rescue plan
by Róisín McKane

Fórsa members can now save 50% on their AA Roadside Rescue plan, through a new and exclusive union negotiated scheme.


This new AA Roadside Rescue offer provides for 24/7 roadside breakdown assistance in Ireland and the UK for just €6 a month, and will provide cover whether driving or as a passenger.


This new offer can be accessed exclusively through this portal.


Contact the AA here for more information.


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.