Your vote, your voice: Make it count!
Whatever the outcome, pay increases or potential industrial action, it should be decided by the people who will be impacted the most – you and your colleagues.
Whatever the outcome, pay increases or potential industrial action, it should be decided by the people who will be impacted the most – you and your colleagues.

The Ballot on the Public Sector Agreement is closing at noon, next Friday 15th March.


We want the BIGGEST vote possible to show how strong our union is. People are voting in their thousands, yet there’s still some way to go and time is running out. Over 40,000 members have cast their vote, but we need everyone to put their shoulder to the wheel and push for a huge turn out!


Whatever the outcome, pay increases or potential industrial action, it should be decided by the people who will be impacted the most – you and your colleagues.


So, if you haven’t voted, do it today! And ask your colleagues if they’ve voted yet. If they haven’t, then ask them why?


To help we’ve outlined some of the reasons below why your colleagues might not have voted yet, and given you quick and easy answers:

  • Haven’t received their Unique Voting Code: Check their emails, including the spam folder, for their code. If they’ve not received it, then email their divisional helpdesk:
  • Don’t think their vote counts: No one should assume this will pass or be rejected, even if it feels like everyone is on the same page in their workplace. They NEED to vote.
  • Not sure of the details of the Agreement: Here’s a Plain English Guide and a FAQ. Any more questions, then email their divisional helpdesk.
  • Not a member of a trade union: Then they need to join! It only takes a few minutes to join Fórsa. See this link for all the benefits.

The more people vote, the stronger our voice is. Visit our resource hub for all the information you need on the ballot.


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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