Register to attend non-acute Hospital Pharmacists meeting
by Brendan Kinsella
 “With the Hospital Pharmacy Agreement due to be implemented in acute hospitals we can now focus on ensuring our members in non-acute hospitals have the same prospects for career advancement.”
 “With the Hospital Pharmacy Agreement due to be implemented in acute hospitals we can now focus on ensuring our members in non-acute hospitals have the same prospects for career advancement.”

An important meeting approaches for all Fórsa Pharmacist members working in non-acute settings. On Monday 20th May at 3pm, an online meeting will be held via Microsoft teams, to prepare members for the push to extend the terms of the Hospital Pharmacy Agreement to staff working outside of acute hospitals.


The Hospital Pharmacy Agreement was achieved through years of dedicated grassroots organising work by pharmacists across the country. The agreement sees the creation of new job roles to provide greater opportunity for career advancement along with improved pay for pharmacists in acute hospital settings.


As things stand pharmacists working in CHO structures, national services, and in hospital sites or community settings not funded through the Acute Hospital Division are currently not covered by the Hospital Pharmacy Agreement.


A claim has been submitted to extend the agreement to pharmacists in these employments. The meeting will take members through the claim and give them some idea of how they can get involved in ensuring its success. 


“It has been a long road since the McLoughlin Report, back in November 2011, when the new roles were first recommended“ said national secretary Linda Kelly.


 “With the Hospital Pharmacy Agreement due to be implemented in acute hospitals we can now focus on ensuring our members in non-acute hospitals have the same prospects for career advancement.”


The meeting will take place Monday 20th May at 3pm, online via Microsoft teams. Please share note of this meeting widely with any colleagues working in these areas. Attendees must be Fórsa members.


The meeting can be accessed here


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