Louth hospitals in strike action threat
by Niall Shanahan
“This ballot became necessary because Fórsa members are working in unsafe environments as a direct consequence of management inaction," said Lynn Coffey.
“This ballot became necessary because Fórsa members are working in unsafe environments as a direct consequence of management inaction," said Lynn Coffey.

The ballot of Fórsa members at the Louth County Group of hospitals took place due to an ongoing dispute because of staff shortages in Louth hospitals, and the failure of hospital management to recruit urgently needed staff.


Fórsa representatives met with management of the hospital group yesterday (Thursday) in a bid to resolve the dispute.

Members backed the action by a margin of 98.4%, securing a mandate to engage in industrial action, up to and including strike action.


Ballot turnout was close to 60%, comprising of health and social care professionals (‘HSCPs’), clerical and administrative grades across the hospital group.


The Louth County Group of hospitals includes Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and the Cottage hospital in Drogheda, and Louth County Hospital in Dundalk.


Fórsa official Lynn Coffey said: “This ballot became necessary because Fórsa members are working in unsafe environments as a direct consequence of management inaction.


“Demand for services continue to increase, while staff shortages place incredible pressure on staff. It can’t go on. Fórsa has continued to raise the issue of declining numbers in these grades and professions since summer 2022.


“Management has failed to replenish exiting staff, seem happy to leave posts vacant and have ignored requests for additional staff made on a business needs basis from teams within the hospital group and Fórsa.


"Recruitment drives for other medical professions across the hospitals have delivered good and solid results. New clinical staff need support from Fórsa grades.


“Fórsa members have continued to work within teams and departments experiencing staff shortages, working through breaks, covering vacant posts, and extending their working hours in order to meet the demands of service. The system is stretched too thin,” she said.


Lynn added that, following yesterday's meeting with hospital management, the union awaits written communication from management, detailing proposed solutions to the recruitment issues raised by Fórsa, which will be considered by the union's Health and Welfare Executive Committee.


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