Your vote counts on 24th May
by Bernard Harbor

Fórsa is urging its members to exercise their democratic right to vote when polls open on Friday week (24th May) in local and European parliamentary elections.

The union is not affiliated to any political party or group, but it has tested candidates to establish their positions on a range of issues raised in Fórsa campaigns. These include ‘More Power to You,’ the initiative that seeks to rebuild local democracy and local authority services.

The union has also urged sitting elected representatives and candidates to support pension justice for community employment supervisors, and an end to the unfair two-tier pay system for school secretaries

Along with other trade unions, Fórsa has also sought candidates’ backing for the Irish Congress of Trade Unions’ (ICTU) Charter for Housing Rights.

ICTU has also asked European parliamentary hopefuls to sign up to a number of pledges. These cover action to protect Irish jobs and communities from the impact of Brexit, support for trade union rights, working conditions, health rights, and economic equality.

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